Global Investigator Award

The LMCE Organizing Committee will offer the Global Investigator Award to presenters and especially participants from developing countries to attend. Global Investigator Award will be given to presenters whose abstracts have been accepted. The secretariat will contact awardees individually.

Important Dates

  • -Deadline: July 10, 2023, 23:59 (KST)
  • -Notification of Result: No later than August 1, 2023


Awardees will receive a travel grant in the amount of USD 500.


  • -Presenters of accepted abstracts are eligible for the award.
  • -Abstracts must be presented by awardees at LMCE Congress.
  • -Presenters should complete the registration and payment.

How to Apply

  • Step 1 Submit the abstract online
  • Step 2 When you submit the abstract, click the check box of “Global Investigator Award”
  • Step 3 Review by organizing committee

Global Investigator Award Regulations

  1. 1.Awardees will be informed before the congress.
  2. 2.Awardees should visit the preview room to receive the grant during the congress (passport required for ID verification)
  3. 3.Grant will be offered once per awardee, regardless of the number of accepted abstracts.
  4. 4.Please note that if you do not receive the grant directly during the congress, you will not be able to receive it by overseas remittance.